"HIRA Foundation" is an association of up-to-date and forward-thinking finance, technology management, and marketing developers who use innovative platforms and ideas to create unique experiences in the easiest and most accessible way.
ongoing projects
Production of materials and equipment from recycled fibers
An innovative and creative look at the use of technology in daily life.
Solutions and services for human resource-oriented growth for businesses
OUR mission
Creating more interaction of people with today's technologies and making new methods and products by bringing together abilities and creativity.
What is our mindset?
It is not just the presence of something new that can change our views, but often simply a change or a unique arrangement that changes our entire experience.
What are we doing?
Creating opportunities to put different tools and expertise together and generate ideas in creative ways.
And who are we?
We are developers who seek to change the type of views.
contact with US
Phone Number
+1 (717) 306 9091
Mailing Address
Gymnasiumstraße 85, 1190 Vienna
Email Address